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If you have found your way to this corner of the site, you are looking for ways to give back to your community. Welcome and congratulations on taking this step to greatly enrich your life!
Volunteerism not only helps the community as a whole, it can be revolutionary for the volunteer. Research conducted by the London School of Economics showcased how volunteering affected well-being amongst a segment of American adults. The study revealed a positive correlation between volunteering and happiness according to an article in Social Science and Medicine. This underscores the profound value of volunteerism, highlighting its role as a powerful force for collective health and vitality within communities.
Three Areas of Service
FHVC benefits the community through three main prongs of service:
- First, the Flint Hills Volunteer Center’s primary mission is to support area nonprofit organizations by leveraging their large network of volunteers to fill vacancies in volunteer rosters.
- Second, they host the AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP program for Riley, Geary, and Pottawatomie counties in Kansas as well as the Kansas City Metro Area.
- Finally, they created several signature programs to fill needs that were not being met in the community. These include Neighbor 2 Neighbor, Medical Transportation, and Connecting Students to Communities.
You can find more about each of these opportunities below or start an application to find the opportunity that best fits your skills and availability.

FHVC Signature Programs
- Neighbor 2 Neighbor
- An FHVC signature program that assists our Manhattan-area seniors with yard work, raking leaves, and snow removal.
- Medical Transportation
- Drive senior Manhattan residents to medical appointments within city limits.
- Connecting Students to Communities
- Students in middle school through college organize and take part in community outreach programs.
Community Partners
Volunteer Opportunities in Manhattan

Elder Justice Initiative
Manhattan, KS
Our mission is to combat elder abuse and financial exploitation, encourage reporting abuse, and educate the public to make America safer for all.

Suicide Awareness P.A.C.T.
Manhattan, KS
Without the skill and knowledge to perform simple prevention, intervention, and post-vention strategies, the trauma of suicide, or a threat of a suicide, can become overwhelming. People have expressed that, as a community, they are at a loss as to where to begin. This initiative shows communities where to begin.

Connecting Students to Communities (CSC)
Manhattan, KS
Connecting Students to Communities provides individual and group volunteer opportunities for students in middle school, high school, or college. CSC works to inspire students to get involved in their communities through volunteer service.

Neighbor 2 Neighbor
Manhattan, KS
Neighbor 2 Neighbor is looking for volunteers to help senior/disabled adults in the community with seasonal activities.

Senior/Disabled Medical Transportation
Manhattan, KS
Provide assistance to home-bound elderly and/or disabled Manhattan residents by driving them to medical appointments within city limits. This opportunity requires additional enrollment information.

Flint Hills Breadbasket
Manhattan, KS
Volunteers who are comfortable with guest interaction are desired to help during the morning shifts from approximately 9-11:30am. During this time, the Flint Hills Breadbasket has seen a significant rise in households and needs help with greeting guests, assisting with check-in, and helping guests through the process. Volunteers who are comfortable with helping with data entry or who can help for a quiet afternoon hour to restock are also needed.

Friendship Meals (Meals on Wheels)
Kansas City, KS
Friendship Meals (Meals on Wheels) is a great opportunity for our AmeriCorps Seniors (55+) volunteers who can commit to a regular schedule! All volunteers MUST be fully vaccinated against COVID to help with the opportunities within the Manhattan Senior Center. This includes all eligible booster shots.
Meal delivery driver volunteers pick up the coolers with meals at 10:30am, deliver the meals to those on their designated route(s), and then return the coolers to the Manhattan Senior Center. Volunteers should anticipate a 1.5 hour commitment.

Harvesters Community Food Network
Manhattan, KS
Harvesters’ is a regional food bank serving a 26-county area of northwestern Missouri and northeastern Kansas. This is a mobile food pantry accessible to anyone.
Manhattan: 2nd Friday; 3rd and 4th Tuesday
Ogden: 4th Tuesday

Sunflower Children’s Collective
Manhattan, KS
Sunflower Children’s Collective is the umbrella organization for three agencies: Sunflower CASA Project, Inc., Stepping Stones Child Advocacy Center and Sunflower Bridge Child Exchange & Visitation Center. We are always looking for volunteers for two of those agencies:
Sunflower CASA Project, Inc.
Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) are volunteers from many different backgrounds who give their time to advocate for abused and neglected children in the court system. Our program is based on the principle that each child deserves a safe, permanent, nurturing home where they can thrive. Our volunteers are the difference between abuse and hope. Volunteers must be at least 21, complete 30 hours of pre-service training, complete an application process, and commit to at least one year of being a CASA.
Sunflower Bridge Child Exchange & Visitation Center
Volunteers in this program observe visitations between children and their non-residential parent. Oftentimes, our center is the only place these children can see the parent they don’t live with. Trained supervisors observe visits between the parent and child to ensure they are safe and healthy. It’s a pretty simple job, but the gift we give our kiddos is immeasurable! Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and complete 12 hours of pre-service training.

Manhattan Senior Center
Kansas City, KS
Volunteers with the Manhattan Senior Center can assist with special projects, fundraising, processing the newsletter, setting up for special events, fall and spring clean-up, etc.
Volunteer drivers are also needed for the home delivered meals program administered out of the Center by the North Central Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging.

Meadowlark Hills
Manhattan, KS
Meadowlark Hills has a senior population that would like more things to do. Residents very much cherish time spent socializing and volunteers are vital in continuing the fun activities that give residents social time.

Manhattan, KS
Stoneybrook currently has a senior population that would like more things to do. Residents very much cherish time spent socializing and volunteers are vital in continuing the fun activities that give residents social time.

Habitat for Humanity ReStores
Manhattan, KS
Habitat for Humanity ReStores are home improvement stores and donation centers that sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price.

The Family Center Budget Shop
Manhattan, KS
The Family Center Budget Shop sells used items donated from the Manhattan Community. Assist in maintaining the store in providing gently used clothes and furniture at an affordable cost to low income families and community members in need.

The FIT Closet and Clothing Exchange
Manhattan, KS
The FIT Closet and Clothing Exchange is USD 383’s means of providing many of the necessary essentials (e.g., school supplies, shoes, clothing, coats, toiletries, hygiene products, laundry detergent) so children can attend class and integrate successfully. Volunteers help to organize and sort donations and can also assist clients.

The Salvation Army
Manhattan, KS
As another way to help the community, the Salvation Army operates a thrift store in Downtown Manhattan. This is a resale store for clothing, furniture, and other household items.
Currently, volunteers are needed during open hours (Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-3pm) who can help sort the donations.

Flint Hills Discovery Center
Manhattan, KS
Interested in working with kids? Helping with an exhibition? At the Flint Hills Discovery Center, there is something for everyone.

Midwest Dream Car Collection
Manhattan, KS
The Midwest Dream Car Collection is just that…an eclectic dream collection of early roadsters, muscle cars and exotics from across the country. Routinely rotated, there will always be something new at MDCC.

The McCain Performance Series
Manhattan, KS
The McCain Performance Series services the university and surrounding communities by presenting professional live performing arts programs and engagement activities that connect artists and audiences. Volunteer opportunities include ushering, catering or assisting in the administrative and marketing office.

Manhattan, KS
Gathered twice a month, cookies are provided to uniformed soldiers during their in and out processing at the Soldier Readiness Process Building which could take up to 8 hours for the soldiers. Currently occurs on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Volunteers deliver cookies to the Manhattan FHVC office to be delivered to Fort Riley.

North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging
Manhattan, KS
Publications volunteers help prepare Keynotes and Caregiver Assistance News for mailing. Keynotes, the agency’s newspaper, is published five times per year and distributed to more than 40,000 households. Keynotes is supported by voluntary donations as well as advertising. Caregiver Assistance News is mailed each month to more than 1,800 households. These publications and mailings depend on our faithful volunteers to apply mailing labels and otherwise prepare the publication for mailing.
Manhattan Free Clinic
Manhattan, KS
We are a VIM (Volunteer in Medicine) clinic and an associate member of Community Care Network of Kansas. Since opening in 2005, hundreds of clinic volunteers have helped to provide free health care to thousands of area residents. Volunteers can help with greeting visitors, office tasks, or with health care if certified. This is a great opportunity for CNAs looking for more experience!

Via Christi Hospital
Manhattan, KS
Volunteers interested in helping patients and their families at Via Christi Hospital are needed! At this time, all volunteers are required to have a current flu shot and all relevant COVID19 vaccinations. Volunteers will also need to wear (provided) surgical masks while serving in the building. Mask requirements are dependent on the COVID19 case level in both Riley and Pottawatomie counties and is subject to change.

K-State Research and Extension
Manhattan, KS
Volunteers are needed to:
Attend new and/or refresher tax law training and certification as needed, including the use of electronic filing software. Training may be completed on-line or in person.
Successfully pass a test on required tax law knowledge.
Provide high-quality assistance to all taxpayers. Directly prepare taxpayer’s return based on information provided by taxpayer or answer tax related questions.
Interact with taxpayers to determine the necessary information for completing a tax return.
Prepare returns using electronic filing software.
Refer customers with complex returns to the IRS website or to a tax practitioner.
Maintain confidentiality of customer information.
Ensure high-quality of returns by completing a quality review process on returns completed.
Volunteers can expect to spend:
1 hour for orientation training in early December
2-8 hours of self-directed study for tax certification
4 hours for electronic filing software training
3-5 hours per week during filing season (late-January to mid-April
Ready to Serve Your Community?
Join AmeriCorps Seniors in Kansas City today and enjoy enriching volunteer experiences tailored just for you. Whether you have an hour a week or several, your volunteerism will help create a more vibrant, caring community.